Re: I guess we're in business
Jun 21, 1996 07:20 PM
by Bjorn Roxendal
Trying again
>To the best of my observations, the above questions and problems
>seem to lie at the core of the issues concerning the Theosophical
>Organizations. Obviously, the changes that would have to be made
>are extensive, and perhaps beyond what the Organizations are
>willing or motivated to address.
The organizations seem to be rather fossilized, although not
without value for many of their members. The future is "up for
grabs" and there is MUCH we can do, individually and in groups,
based on the teachings and inspiration coming through
Theosophical books, as well as many other sources. We need an
"up and do it" approach. We are individually accountable and
can't wait for this or that organization to come to life.
>Yet the TM must progress, and I
>feel that those of us who are more concerned with the success of
>the movement than the continuation of organizations that have
>lost touch with the times, some obligations here.
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